Back pain - Waist is an important organ in our body including. In addition to this section to sustain our bodies, it turns out the waist has another function. Namely structural support, movement and protect certain body tissues. Many people would consider trivial pain they experienced. However, it turns out sick that often appear on the waist gives the disease characteristics that are in our bodies.
Basically the onset of pain is due to the pressure on the nervous edge of the waist (pinched nerve). Pinching of this nerve can occur because of interference with the muscles and surrounding tissues, interference with the nerve itself, spinal abnormalities and abnormalities in other places, such as infection or kidney stones and others.
Muscle spasms (muscle tension) is the most common cause of waist disease. These spasms can occur due to movement of the waist is too sudden or excessive beyond the power of these muscles. For example when you're not exercise with us knowing we are moving too sudden and too much time chasing or hitting a ball (badminton, tennis, golf, etc.). Similarly, if we lift heavy objects with slightly the wrong position, for example, move desks, chairs, lifting luggage, push the car, even when we are very happy raising children or our grandchildren will be able to place hip disease. Calcification of the spine around the waist which resulted in a corresponding pin on the nerve can lead to severe back pain as well.
HNP (hernia nucleus pulposus), namely: nucleus pulposus of a substance pushed that is between the joints of the spine, either straight or towards the rear to the right or left will put pressure on the spinal cord or nerve fibers to result in very severe pain. This happens because the forced Ruda (trauma / accidents) and the pain may spread to either the right or left foot (iskhialgia). The other reason we need to consider are: tumors, infections, kidney stones, and others. All of which can lead to pressure on nerve fibers.
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