ARE you ready to face the rainy season this year? Like what you deal with preparation and anticipation of the rainy season? Remember, the rainy season is not only synonymous with the catastrophic flood, but also disease. There are several diseases that often occur during this season, including sinusitis, flu, dengue fever, and diarrhea. Here are some tips to avoid disease that often haunt you during the rainy season:
Prevent Sinusitis - Diligent, diligent hand washing. This simple action proved effective to reduce the risk of contracting respiratory diseases. Wherever possible avoid contact with those who are exposed to a cold cough.
- When you use AC, frequently clean the filter so that dust, mold, and various things that may trigger allergies can be reduced. Likewise, the carpets and sofas.
- Eating food and warm drinks, especially four of five perfectly healthy menu.
- Avoid smoking and try to breathe the morning air while exercising.
- Wear a raincoat or an umbrella when it rains. Use masks when in areas prone to pollution.
Prevent Flu - Rest enough. Adequate rest will strengthen the immune system.
- Wash hands. Hand washing is essential to avoid infection. Most of the flu virus spreads through direct contact. So, wash your hands frequently with soap and, if possible, with warm water.
- Avoid contact with patients. The flu virus is also spread through the air and saliva. Therefore, avoid close encounter with flu patients.
- Eating foods with balanced nutrition. Consumption of foods containing phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are natural chemicals that exist in plants that give vitamins in food. This type of substance found in fruits and vegetables, fresh green, red and dark yellow.
- Exercise regularly. A time to yourself to exercise. No need to exercise. What matters can dilakkukan regularly, such as jogging or moderate exercise.
- Do not smoke. Heavy smokers are more susceptible to flu. Secondhand smoke can cause the respiratory system dry, making it more susceptible to viruses.
- Drink plenty of water. Water serves up toxins in the body. Adults need eight glasses of water a day.
Prevent dengue fever - Air or water reservoirs must be covered to prevent mosquitoes laying eggs in the place and drained at least twice a week, so the eggs do not hatch into larvae of mosquitoes.
- Banish mosquitoes with insect repellent before going to sleep, or you can use rubbing insect repellent.
- Maintain neatness. Do not hang clothes. Better to fold it, because the clothes hanging could be a hiding place mosquito Aedes aegypti. Clean every day table and drawers in your room. Dispose of paper unused desk drawer for a dirty and unkempt also can become mosquito breeding.
- Abatisasi. Abatisasi abate powder is sprinkled on the places where water reservoirs. Abatisasi can be repeated every 2-3 months. Abate is not harmful to humans. Abatisasi only in places where stagnant water, such as bathtub, flower pots and a small ditch. Do not sprinkle the water that flows abate. Abate also good sprinkled water to places that are difficult drained or cleaned.
Prevent Diarrhea - Familiarize yourself to maintain hygiene by washing hands and feet after traveling.
- Wear footwear to prevent the spread and entry of dirt or parasites through the skin.
- Do not buy food at any place.
- Clean the gutters, especially that congestion, throw trash in its place.
- Drink plenty of vitamins and nutritional intake to maintain body condition.
- Provide always ORS at home.
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