Tips to prevent dry skin

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dry skin is very disturbing. Besides feels tight, dry skin is also very sensitive and prone to itching. Indeed many causes skin to become dry. One was the lack of moisture due to changes in weather, food and others. .
Basically, the skin becomes dry due to reduced body moisture. When water levels in the body decreases, the skin becomes dry and rough. For those of you who have skin that tends to dry, avoid using a water bath is too hot. The hot water will remove water from the skin so your skin becomes drier. Try to use water with normal temperature.
Also always use moisturizer rich lotion after every washing hands or bathing so that moisture is maintained. More and more dry your skin you also need moisturizer. There is also a good idea to use routinely after a shower.
Use moisturizer soap. If your skin is dry, avoid using soap. It can also lead to increased dry skin especially on soaps that contain harsh chemical. Using a special soap with a high content of moisturizer, moist will help keep the skin while bathing.
Drink enough water and not excessive. Many people think more and more drinking will increasingly make your skin more moist. This is not true. Drink water as needed are recommended which is about 2 liters or 8 glasses a day to maintain body moisture.
To keep skin moist from inside the body, consume foods rich in vitamin E on a regular basis. When the daily food deemed insufficient, add a health supplement that contains Vitamin E which made of organic raw materials for maximum results.


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