Once your health is compromised, not just thousands but millions of dollars you spend to be able to recover it. The habit of relying on chemical medicines and modern equipment for health care is not always better than the residual effect is also high cost should you bear.
Natural and healthy habits are good and cheap and easy solution to maintain your health
Yoga Therapy For Health Body, Soul and Mind
Practice of yoga, which has inherited thousands of years ago, has gone through a variety of scientific investigation and scientifically developed also proved to be very powerful as an amazing therapy. Many diseases can be cured, where western medicine fails to address them. Effective Yoga yielded good results.
Various kinds of complaints disease can correct yourself with a regular yoga practice. Without having to get out a very large cost. Because once again, nature and good habits will be very beneficial for your health maintenance.
Tips For Yoga Exercise
- The best time in the practice of yoga is dawn or late at night.
- Always do the exercises on an empty stomach. Fasting eat 3-4 hours before exercise.
- Ideally yoga done in a clean place with good air circulation.
- Free from all the atmosphere of noise and disturbance.
- Dress comfortably and relaxed will help the skin breathe, and does not interfere with movement.
- Barefoot.
- Drink enough white, at least 1-2 glasses a day for exercise.
- Make this a habit.
Yoga Effectively Eliminate Stress
The benefits of yoga in physical health and psychological well recognized by Anang Soesilo (50). President Commissioner of a private company is claimed to have practiced yoga for six years. At first, Sam got a recommendation from a friend who knows a variety of health complaints. "I used to suffer from insomnia, back pain and heart palpitations. When examined to the doctor, not detected anything. Finally, I take up yoga on the recommendation of a friend, "he said.
At that time, he followed an intensive yoga course for six days in a studio. Unfortunately, after the course finished, he felt lazy to pursue yoga itself. Soon, he heard about yoga classes in JNICC. Now, already five years he practiced there, along with several colleagues who also have many years of practice in place.
"Now, if suddenly awakened in the night and could not sleep, I stayed practicing yoga and breathing meditation. Eventually drowsiness would come and I must have fallen asleep. The next day the body was fresh because it is not lack of sleep. Stress, palpitations and backaches also been rarely recur again, "he said.
Habit of practicing yoga now ditularkannya to his wife and friends. In fact, he recalled, a friend, who suffered severe stress immediately cured after practicing yoga for a while.
"Rather than continue to doctors and reliance, better your yoga practice. For me, yoga is a preventive or preventative measures. If the frequent practice of yoga, the body become more healthy. Well, if you are not sick, did not have to go to the doctor, "he added.
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