Connecting the hair or hair extensions are often the choice of women to change the appearance. Because, many women can not wait for hair growth and they prefer instant way.
According to recent research, it connects the hair had a risk to health is not low. A health expert Steve O'Bryan hair, from the Institute of Trichologists, revealed some loss when someone decides to connect rambutnya.Steve said: 'real hair when spliced with other hair, the hair follicles (which produce the scalp hair) will thin out and experience stress'. The situation was going to cause inflammation of the outer layer of hair. As a result, the hair becomes brittle and easily broken.
Another risk is that the load supported by the hair roots are used the greater the connection. That would make it weak, so the hair fall out easily. And health risks have not stopped there. Use glue or adhesive to connect the hair also has a bad effect. The content in it can damage the hair's natural health. So when the connection is removed hair, real hair will look worse than before.
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