If you want to made a list of benefits of honey, it will spend pages and pages of paper. Instead of a hassle, the following is a brief explanation about the benefits and efficacy of honey.
Honey can increase the absorption of calcium; increase the amount of hemoglobin and prevent / treat anemia caused by nutritional factors; when mixed with apple vinegar can cure rheumatism; cure the flu and all sorts of respiratory infectious diseases; cure intestinal diseases; works as a natural laxative; facilitate digestion; reduce allergies and obesity; provide many vitamins and minerals, and provide instant energy like sugar but is more safe for diabetics.
Is it finished? Not yet. Honey can also treat insomnia by taking it to one or two tablespoons every night. As an antiseptic, honey is useful to draw the poison or it could bite or sting from an animal.
Below are ways to use honey for healing and treatment:
BURN WOUNDS - Apply honey on burns evenly. Honey can be cool and reduce the pain and wounds heal quickly without leaving a scar. This method is safe, because bacteria can not live in honey.
Insomnia - One or two teaspoons of honey every night will help you sleep. This more effectively if mixed in a glass of warm milk.
Hyperactivity - Replace all your sugar with honey. Granulated sugar has a high stimulation capability, whereas low nutrients. Instead of honey is able to provide abundant energy without making the children become hyperactive.
Blocked nose - Put one tablespoon of honey in a basin of hot water and inhale fumes after covering your head with a towel over the basin. Very effective!
SICK - Dilute one tablespoon of honey with warm water and drunk. Honey has the main content of fructose and glucose, so it is very easily absorbed by the body. Ancient Greek athletes are always consume honey before the game to increase stamina and after the game to cool the body.
FACE MASK - Mix honey with oatmeal in equal measure, then use as a mask. Leave for half an hour then wash your face. Honey is a powerful cleanser to remove acne and blemishes.
INTERFERENCE DIGESTION - Mix honey with apple cider vinegar with water and then added again. In addition to improving digestion, this herb is also good for the joints and weight loss.
HAIR CONDITIONER - Apply a mixture of honey and olive oil on your hair, then cover your head with a warm towel for half an hour. Then rinsed. Honey can provide the necessary nutrients the hair and scalp.
THROAT HOSPITAL - Let a teaspoon of honey to flow slowly in your throat. Honey serves to reduce inflammation.
STRESS - The combination of honey and water is a natural stabilizer tremendous for our bodies, because the mixture has a calming effect. To be effective, use a comparison between honey and water as much as 1:4.
Anemia - Honey is the "food" the most good for the blood. The darker the color of honey, the more minerals.
Food preservatives-If you replace the sugar in cakes and cookies your recipe, the cakes and cookies will be more durable, because honey is anti-bacterial.
BABY'S BOTTLE - Four teaspoons of honey diluted with water and put in a baby bottle will provide a calming effect on infant multivitamin intake and increase the baby. (Caution: only for babies over the age of one year). For the new baby teething, rub honey on their gums will help reduce the pain of teething.
OSTEOPOROSIS - Research has shown that eating a teaspoon of honey per day to prevent osteoporosis. Highly recommended for those of you who are aged five heads.
LONG AGE - The age of the oldest in the world in general are those who regularly consume honey. There is one more interesting fact, namely the beekeeper (an automatic is also diligently consume honey) was much less risk of developing cancer and arthritis than any job in the world.
Migraines - When a new migraine attack, drink a mixture of one tablespoon of honey with half a glass of warm water. If necessary, repeat 20 minutes later.
EYE IRRITATION - Dissolve honey in warm water in equal measure. After a cold, wash your eyes are exposed to irritants with the solution.
COUGH MEDICINE - Mix 170 grams of honey, 55 grams of glycerin and the juice of two lemons. Stir well and store in a sealed bottle. Can be taken at any time as cough medicine.
There are times when pure honey stored longer will clot. If that happens, you just need to put your bottle of honey in a pan of hot water (not boiling) for a few moments until the honey melts back.
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