The First Man Cured of AIDS

Saturday, September 24, 2011 said the man, 45 years in California may be the first person who recovers from AIDS. It is known of his HIV-resistant gene. Like what?

'Timothy Ray Brown' known positive HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) in 1995. Now, he entered the scientific journal as the first person who managed to 'remove' the HIV virus from his body completely. Doctors call this condition 'functional cure'.
In 2008, Brown lived in Berlin (Germany) living with HIV and leukemia. There, scientists perform bone marrow transplants to treat leukemia. Scientists say, Brown received marrow from donors are included in 1% of Caucasians are immune to HIV.
"I stopped going for treatment of HIV in the day I got the transplant," said the man well known with the 'Berlin patient'. Researcher of AIDS Dr. Jay Levy of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), said Brown's case opens the door 'healing research'. But , doctors emphasize, Brown radical procedures may not fit with other HIV sufferers because of the difficulty of marrow grafts and find the right donor.
"Surely you do not want to do this transplant because of the risk of death," said Paul Volberding of UCSF. Many questions unanswered about the treatment of Brown, he added. "One element of treatment appears to allow the virus out of his body," he continued. And this will be an interesting study, he concluded.

Lack of Sleep Effects & Obesity
Lack of sleep not only makes the body becomes limp. Moreover, the danger can make us eat more. In fact, the calories burned only little. That's why people who less sleep are usually more susceptible to obesity.
Although so far there has been no strong evidence regarding the mechanisms of obesity and sleep, but some studies did show that sleep should be a priority. "If you want to maintain a diet for ideal weight, do not forget to have enough sleep because sleep is enough and quality is an important part to a healthy body "(Michael Grandner - expert in sleep disorders from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA). Several studies of sleep and obesity has been done in a variety of methods. There are large populations surveyed and interviewed their eating and sleeping patterns and follow their health records. Another study conducted on a small group of respondents in depth. The researchers also manipulated the schedule of respondents sleep and observe whether there are effects on appetite.
In a recent study, researchers from Sweden found in younger people who lack sleep seems nothing has changed on appetite, but their bodies burn calories 50-20 percent less than the people who are quite tidur.Dalam her research, Marie-Pierre St -Onge of the New York Obesity Research Center and his team recruited 30 men and women aged in their 30s and 40s who have normal weight. The participants live and sleep in a sleep laboratory for five days in two periods berbeda.Pada the first period, the participants slept for 9 hours a night. The next period, they may only sleep four hours. In the second period, participants were given a calorie-controlled diet in the first 4 days and then released to eat anything in the last day.
The researchers wanted to know the energy you burn in daily activities and asked the participants how energetic they feel. Test results show no matter how many hours they sleep, the participants in the same amount of calories burned, about 2,600 per hari.Tetapi in the group that lack of sleep, they eat more calories on the last day, about 300 calories. The participants also said they feel less energetic after a few days less tidur.Peneliti suspect that fatigue experienced by people who sleep deprivation can cause them to make unhealthy eating choices. "When we sleep we will more easily follow the wishes of yourself," said Grandner.Di other hand, according to him, uncontrolled diet can also disrupt sleep patterns, such as the stomach so hard sleepy glut.

Efficacy of Frog Skin for Cancer Medicine

Recent research has shown positive results for drug discovery of new species of frog skin for a number of specific types of chronic and hard diseases. Because of their findings, the scientists at Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, received awards for their research results. The results showed a certain frog skin can be beneficial for the treatment of 70 main diseases. The scientists received awards for medical discoveries, the Medical Futures Innovation Awards, in London.
The study, led by Professor Chris Shaw at Queen's College of Pharmacy was found two types of proteins that can regulate how the blood vessels grow. Group of researchers are the only Northern Ireland team who participated in the race to win the award this year. They found that the protein of certain types of toads (frogs of this type of monkey frog) can inhibit the growth of blood vessels and can be used to kill cells tumor. Profesor Shaw said that most tumor cells can only grow to a certain size before it requires blood vessel cells to grow into the tumor to deliver nutrients and oxygen are very important substances.
"Stopping the growth of blood vessels will reduce the likelihood of spread of the tumor and the tumor can be will kill it," he said. "This has the potential to transform cancer from a deadly disease into a chronic condition." Team led by Professor Shaw also found that a type giant toad (firebellied) produce proteins that can stimulate blood vessel growth and can help cure the patient from injury and surgery more quickly. "This finding has the potential to treat various diseases and conditions that require blood vessels for treatment more quickly, such as treating wounds, transplantation of organs and damage due to stroke or heart disease, "said Professor Shaw.
According to professors, scientists and pharmaceutical companies around the world, despite already spending money to about U.S. $ 5 billion, has not managed to develop a drug that can be a potent hit of the blood vessels, control and manage its growth. "Aim our efforts at Queen's is to opened the door of nature's potential. In this case the substance found in the frog and toad skin is to reduce human suffering. We believe this natural solution to keep the various problems we face. We need to ask the right questions to find solutions, "said Professor Shaw." It would be very unfortunate if nature has something that could potentially be a cure for cancer and we did not try my best to make it worthwhile, "he said.
Responding to the discovery of Professor Shaw and his colleagues, the assessment team member Professor Brian Walker and Dr Chen Tianbao say that they want to encourage scientists to bring their findings to the next level. "The idea of ​​Professor Shaw is really very innovative and exciting in the area that needs not been widely met, "said the assessment team was." It is important to realize that the invention is still in early stages and much effort remains to be done before reaching the stage of clinical medicine, "he concluded

Antioxidants - White Tea

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
White Tea is useful as Antioxidants
From the various types of tea, White Tea was allegedly able to serve as a good antioxidant in neutralizing the effects of free radicals in the body.
Unwittingly, free radicals can enter our body through the hot sun when we move outside of the room. This is because the free radical takes an electron from the skin cells to cell death.
Cigarette smoke, often eat fried foods and other pollutants can cause the skin to grow dull. If left to the skin will be damaged and experience premature aging, and if our bodies are getting enough antioxidants, immune function of skin cells can be increased.
White tea (white tea) is a type of tea that has a high antioxidant levels, because only through a bit of processing than other teas. White tea is taken only from the leaf buds are picked before the choice is really blooming, so the content of catechins (antioxidants) in white tea is in the best condition.

Perfect Nutrition for Stronger Teeth
No time to brush your teeth? no problem! ... Researchers had identified five health / nutritional foods that can prevent missing tooth and gum disease:
Low-fat cheese. Worried about after you eat sweets. Cheese neutralize the acids that cause cavities. The calcium in cheese is believed to prevent email eroded.
Apples. Choose a crisp and juicy. you can replace it with another fruit or raw vegetables that are still fresh. Apple fiber to clean your teeth from bacteria and plague. Chewing gum apple will train and ligaments as well as stimulating blood circulation around the teeth.
Low-fat yogurt. Excellent source of calcium that strengthens bones of your teeth. Plain yogurt is better at fruit-flavored yogurt. Can not stand it feels? Add fresh fruit.
Carrots. The study revealed that consumption of beta-carotene contained in carrots can reduce the risk of oral cancer

Chili Has Efficacious to Overcome Stroke & Coronary Heart


Who has not enjoyed a chili / sauce? It was almost all of us would enjoy eating passion with this sauce.
You may hate the chili for spicy and hot, but you can not deny that the fruit of this one can overcome a number of diseases.

Ingredients and Benefits
According to dr. Prapti Utami, an herbal consultant, many people do not know the benefits of chili. Actually, chili is a nutrient-rich foods.
Cayenne pepper contains vitamin C and beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), more than fruits such as mango, pineapple, papaya and watermelon. Even the levels of minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus, is better than fresh fish. Green chilies and peppers contain vitamin C is higher.

Substance that makes peppers hot is capsaicin which was stored in the veins of white chili, where seeds attach. This is stomakik Capsaicin, which can increase appetite. Not to mention the ability to stimulate the production of endorphin hormones which can evoke the sensation of pleasure. Another function of capsaicin is thin the mucus so that loosening the blockage in the throat and nose, including sinusitis. Capsaicin is also a way to keep blood anticoagulant in order to remain thin crust and prevent the formation of fat in blood vessels. That means also reduces the chance of suffering a stroke, coronary heart disease and impotence.

Health Motivation Note
In a healthy body there is a strong spirit, in a strong spirit there is clear thinking, in clear thinking there are positive actions and positive actions will make ourselves, our families, our environment, our society become more advanced.

How to Recognize the symptoms of Typhoid

Monday, September 19, 2011
The introduction of typhoid fever or typhus, known as very important to prevent more serious infections. If late untreated, typhoid fever can be fatal.
Expert in internal medicine, tropical diseases, and infections of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Prof. Djoko Widodo, said: typhoid fever often starts with mild symptoms. Family sufferers usually difficult to recognize the symptoms early on. "In typhus, fever temperature will rise slowly. In the first week of fever up and down. It was not until the second week of high fever, to be severe, "he said. Symptoms of typhoid is usually a pain in the gut, stomach, and muscle. In addition, patients experience diarrhea, headache, nausea, until vomiting.
This acute condition will not occur if handling is done early. Therefore, once the initial symptoms appear, people are advised to immediately check into hospital. According to Prof. Djoko, typhoid fever primarily affects the population at productive age.
At that age, a person eating more meals outside the home so that cleanliness is not guaranteed. Bacteria Salmonella typhi is the cause of typhoid can enter the body through food and beverages consumed by a person. Germs will get into the intestines and multiply.

Danger of Hair Extension

Connecting the hair or hair extensions are often the choice of women to change the appearance. Because, many women can not wait for hair growth and they prefer instant way.

According to recent research, it connects the hair had a risk to health is not low. A health expert Steve O'Bryan hair, from the Institute of Trichologists, revealed some loss when someone decides to connect rambutnya.Steve said: 'real hair when spliced ​​with other hair, the hair follicles (which produce the scalp hair) will thin out and experience stress'. The situation was going to cause inflammation of the outer layer of hair. As a result, the hair becomes brittle and easily broken.

Another risk is that the load supported by the hair roots are used the greater the connection. That would make it weak, so the hair fall out easily. And health risks have not stopped there. Use glue or adhesive to connect the hair also has a bad effect. The content in it can damage the hair's natural health. So when the connection is removed hair, real hair will look worse than before.

6 Parts of Body Must Be Protect From The Sunshine

Apply sunscreen every time out of the house has become your habit. Unfortunately, you just rub it on hands and feet. You forget the other parts of your body that should be protected from exposure to sunlight. This is the sixth list of body parts that must be protected with sunscreen before you begin to move:
1. Scalp
Wearing a hat or umbrella is the best way to protect your face and head from the sun. Because, if the head is not well protected, exposure to sun can touch the scalp. The reflection of sunlight directly to the scalp can cause your headaches. If you do not like hats, Headscarf, or rarely carry an umbrella, trying to spray sunscreen spray. Spray it on your fingers, then gently massage the scalp. Do not forget to re-apply sunscreen every few hours if you are out all day.
2. Lip
You can certainly feel that the lip has only a very thin layer of skin and soft. Lip consisting of three to five cell layers, while the skin of your face has about 16 layers. Always use a lipbalm, lipstick or lip gloss with an SPF to make the lips are always moist and healthy. Such as sunscreen, apply lipblam repeated every few hours.
3. Neck and chest
You wonder why your neck and chest showed black spots? That's what happens when the skin on the neck and upper chest that is often overlooked is very smooth. When using a moisturizer, for example, you forget to apply it also on the neck. Well, if you frequently wear clothing that is somewhat exposed, such as tank tops, do not forget to put sunscreen on the neck and chest area. Forget to apply sunscreen in the area could also accelerate the onset of wrinkles, you know!
4. Ear
Like the skin of the neck, the skin of the ear is also very soft and sensitive. The top of the ear is the most exposed to the sun so you get out of the house. You can apply a thin layer of sunscreen to this section. Otherwise, just wear a big hat or umbrella.
5. Dorsal hand
You apply sunscreen to the entire body using hands, but did you also put it on the back of his hand? Therefore, we used to wash your hands after applying lotion or sunscreen, right? So, always re-apply this material to the back of his hand. You'll not only prevent the area burned by the sun, but also inhibits UVB / UVA can cause premature aging of the skin.
6. Foot
Having trouble doing and applying nail polish pedicure, your feet look so pretty too. However, you forget to apply sunscreen on the back foot and the sides. Well, do not be surprised if your legs mottled when wearing shoes or strappy sandals. Your legs are not beautiful anymore.

How to Recognize & Care for Sensitive Skin
If you often feel pain in the skin when applying the product, dry and itchy skin suddenly without cause, or susceptible to irritation, it could be your skin is sensitive. The characteristics of sensitive skin are the most common are:
1. when you try a new moisturizer, facial skin suddenly reddened and sore.
2. While in a cool place, so your skin Extra dry and itchy.
3. After scrubbing, your body skin irritation.
Well, it means you have sensitive skin and require different treatments. But, do not worry. how to overcome them is not difficult provided you have been provided sufficient information about sensitive skin. Let's find out more about sensitive skin and how to care for it.
Know what causes sensitive skin? According to a dermatologist, have sensitive skin outer layer of skin thinner. As a result, the nerve response becomes higher. Our nerve easily reacts to a smallest thing. Sensitive skin has so many causes: environmental factors (including ultraviolet light, wind, heat, cold, pollution, and air humidity), irritation from the use of products (cosmetics, soaps, lotions, etc.). Or even a fabric that is not suitable for the skin.
It feels uncomfortable have sensitive skin, but you're not alone. An estimated 69 percent of women and 64 percent of men feel their skin is sensitive, especially in the face. Most of them are people who often feel tired, stressed, and under presser. Because, when the body feels stress, nerve endings in the skin layer will release chemicals that cause the pain and redness of the skin. This is why it is so important to pamper yourself, both in the spa, with yoga, or simply relaxing at home while reading a favorite book.
1. Treat your skin like a baby's skin to be treated extra carefully. That does not mean you have to wear baby products, but choose the product that is soft and made specifically for sensitive skin.
2. Stay away from products that contain perfumes.
3. Products labeled "non-comedogenic" are also good for you.
4. Before trying a new product, apply first on the inside of your wrist, and let stand for 24 hours. If the skin is smeared turns red, it means the product is not suitable for you.
5. Do not use a loofah while bathing.
6. Leave the body scrubs.
7. Stay away from places with extreme temperatures.

Eye Health Maintaining Tips

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Computers and other equipment, such as monitors, have become common in every office work. It is not  if many people have to work in front of the monitor all day. At first we might be a little worried about the impact of computers and monitors radiation emitted light can disrupt the body's health, especially the eyes. However, experts did not ever give up to create equipment that more friendly with the environment and health.
Still, working too long in front of the monitor screen still can affect health, such as eye fatigue, back pain, shoulder and neck. Here are some tips to overcome fatigue and eye strain while working in front of the monitor. Hopefully we can keep the gift that is eye, although they had to work long hours.
1-Work in a fairly light room.
Notice the lighting in your workspace. Do not work in a room that is too bright and blinding. Use blinds to adjust light from the window. Place the overhead lights. Avoid staring at the light directly. Conversely, do not also work in a room that is too dark or dim. Try to keep your room bright enough in order your eyes not to work hard.
2-Use filters monitor.
To reduce glare and radiation emitted by the monitor, use the monitor glass filter. Talk to your computer equipment vendor to get a good filter and capable to less the radiation effect, not just dim light of the monitor.
3-Check your monitor.
Check if your monitor is still working properly? Compare with other monitors. When a picture is looking increasingly dim, flickering or not comfortable for your eyes, then it's time to repair or replace the monitor. Better to change the monitor rather than letting your eyes troubled. Frequently monitor clean of dust and kotoranyang annoying screen.
4-Put the paper work to be easily read.
If you must work with a copy or read the paper, then place the paperwork is in balance with the distance of your monitor. This is so that you do not need to go back and forth to focus the view to read your paper work, after reading on the screen.
5-Note the position of the monitor.
Place the monitor screen in such a way as to form an angle of 10-15 degrees from the straight line with your views. This is in addition to avoid tiring your eyes, also keeping your shoulders and neck feel comfort to work.
5-Work with "font" that is big enough.
If you must edit the text in front of a computer, make sure the size or "font" letters that you use big enough. Do not force your eyes to read small letters on the monitor. Your eye is not a microscope for writing on the screen monitor. Use the facility to zoom in or adjust the display image on your monitor. When you've finished editing or reading, you can return it to the first position.
6-Rest your eyes.
Relax your eyes. Close or flicker your eyes. However, frequently flashing. It can reduce tension and keep your eyes stay moist and cool. If you are too old to see at close range, you look away toward the distant. Do iniselama few minutes every 30 minutes.
7-Check your glasses or contact lenses.
If you use glasses or contact lenses and you have to work all day in front of the monitor, it is better to consult your eye doctor or optical so you can get glasses that fit. Both, the size of the lens and frame. When you get tired use the spectacles, uninstall it. Glasses can make eyes tired. Occasionally let your eyes see is free. However, soon you wear glasses if feels compelled to wear. Do not force your eyes to see without the aid of your glasses.